July 04, 2008

LightPole allows Movable Type bloggers to geo-tag their entries

LightPole, Inc., a mobile application service provider focused on the "Long Tail" publishing market, co-developed a Movable Type plug-in with SixApart that allows Movable Type bloggers to geo-tag their entries, add and manage related points of interest (POIs) and publish feeds that can be used to create LightPole channels – seamlessly delivering content to their readers' mobile phones.

Details... The GeoType Plug-In for Movable Type allows you to associate locations with blog entries. It creates locations for each blog entry, which are pushpin points that appear on a single map. Also, a map can be shown which displays all of the locations for the entire blog. Locations can be found using addresses or by scrolling the map, so you do not need to find or lookup the coordinates for your location like many other plug-ins force you to do. The plug-in also allows for these blog entries to be published to mobile devices using the LightPole Publishing System.

To download the plug-in point to your browser see http://plugins.movabletype.org/geotype/

For additional instruction, check out the documentation at http://blog.lightpole.net/plugins/docs/index.html

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