July 22, 2008

The Radio Head House of Cards LIDAR music video!

Definitely under the topic of "cool"... Radiohead just released a new video for its song "House of Cards" from the album "In Rainbows" - see official announcement. No cameras or lights were used. Instead two technologies were used to capture 3D images: Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics scanning systems produce structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity, while a Velodyne Lidar system that uses multiple lasers is used to capture large environments such as landscapes. In this video, 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute produced all the exterior scenes. Directed by Hollywood-based Zoo Films director James Frost, "House of Cards" was shot over two days across Palm Beach County in Florida. Certain shots of the exterior scenes came from other parts of the US. Aerotec’s LIDAR system uses a single laser and scans in an elliptical pattern looking 20 degrees forward, 20 degrees side-to-side, and 14 degrees aft to completely scan three sides of each object over which it is flown. Approximately 200,000 LIDAR points per second are captured, thus producing a very detailed image of the scanned exterior scenes.
See http://code.google.com/radiohead

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