July 12, 2005

G.I.S... 3 letters, hundreds of uses!

Just this AM I've run across a couple of new uses for the acronym G.I.S... how's this for some innovative uses of the term -
GIS - The Geoscape Intelligence System (GIS) offers signal coverage contours overlaid onto the most current and in- depth multicultural geo-demographic data for over 14,000 radio stations. Think of it as a market research tool.
Global Inspection Services (GIS) -  Produce Safety & Security International, Inc  offers truck sanitization operation (SOP) which consists of an Ozone and Spherequat 6400 mixture, under high pressure, to wash the inside and the outside of trailers. Upon completion the truck is given a GIS!
I'm sure there's hundreds of other uses for the term but realistically, don't you think our industry has pretty much laid claim to it? Got any other uses for the acronym... feel free to comment



Tay Hota said...
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tomjervis said...

Goddam Itinerant Surveyors !

High Power Rocketry said...

That is wild! :) While I use GIS the same way you do, for me it is generally a biology issue.

High Power Rocketry said...

Why are you afraid?