August 06, 2007

Finally, Birch gets some recognition for putting Nanaimo on the Google Earth stage!

Recall I recently mentioned how Nanaimo, BC was getting all kinds of attention for being a power Google Earth contributor yet the city's GIS programmer, Jason Birch was not getting much (if any) recognition for his efforts. Well, finally an article has appeared in the Globe & Mail that delves much deeper into the story.. nice! Too bad the local "rags" can't spend a bit more time doing some research and coming up with some informative facts before they go to press. I like this bit in the article...

"The project began when a soft-spoken programmer named Jason Birch took a look at a new mapping program called Google Earth in 2005. "I'd never seen anything like it," said Mr. Birch, 38, who has a university degree in geography and a passion for computers... For two years, he's experimented with images, colours and a programming language called KML. He's also worked overtime, spending a few hours with his wife and twin sons, then playing with Google Earth from 8 p.m. until midnight, and even logging voluntary hours on the weekend."

See the latest in an article from the Globe & Mail


Anonymous said...

Are those facts wrong?

gletham Communications said...

no not at all and didn't mean to imply that. ITs just that any of the previous articles I've seen have virtually no useful information and didn't really provide and useful information about how the city got involved using Gogole Earth etc... this article actually delves into things nicely and provides a good backgrounder

Anonymous said...

Heh, well at least one fact is wrong, my age is off by two years :) I was pretty happy with this article in general though. They took time to actually use Google Earth and the site and understand some of its benefits. They even called my wife at home as research :)