August 10, 2007

N95 networking from forum nokia - mobilize and share with MOSH

Something news and very cool out of forum nokia today is MOSH. Think flickr + twitter + blogger and you'll see what I mean. MOSH just went into BETA today after being in a closed Alpha for some time. The app has the requisite PC client but is also ideally optimized for mobile users (like the N95) to share their thoughts, images and other mobile media with others. from your device

- Create and upload applications, games, images and more
- Collect your favorites and download to your mobile
- Share your content with the MOSH mobile community

See from your mobile device or register at

Now the tough part of this is deciding which social app do I post to now when I want to update something... let's see, there's flickr, facebook, myspace, blogger, twitter, twibble, plazes, platial etc... eventually I'll need to commit to one of them rather than all of them! Atleast the Profilactic will help me keep tabs on some of the services!

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