January 14, 2008

Autodesk... communication to you via blogs

Have you noticed the number of "official" Autodesk blogs out there lately (35+)? These are blogs run by ADSK employees and partners and fully supported by Autodesk... there's a ton of em! Under the heading of "geobloggers" there's a number of geospatial blogs in the group, most noteworthy the Dirt by Pete Kelsey, Geoff Zeiss between the Poles, and Beyond the Paper... however, there's a number that you may not have heard of yet. These include 2D to 3D (civil focus), Geospatial made in France, Points of interest (LBS), TopoBase Insiders (for topobase users) and many others. Most of the blogs are run by Autodesk product managers, evangelists, and Marketing professionals. Seems that the internal blogging team is now a preferred way of communicating from the company given that the number of blogs continues to grow and the number of official PRs out of the company has dwindled over the past year or so. See blogs.autodesk.com

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