March 20, 2008

ArcGIS Server Code Challenge Winner combines ArcGIS Server 9.2 technology with Google's Google Maps and Microsoft's Virtual Earth

Just heard from Alex over at GCS Research in Montana... Alex tells me that his crew picked up a prize in the 2008 ArcGIS Server Code Challenge. The company was recognized innovation in combining the geospatial analytical power of ArcGIS Server 9.2 technology with Google's Google Maps and Microsoft's Virtual Earth visualization applications. According to the company, Mr. John Waterman, Vice-President of Geospatial Solutions for GCS Research, developed the application demonstrations based upon on-going work and expertise with ArcGIS Server as well as Microsoft's Virtual Earth and Google Maps. Congrats!

Demonstration site for Microsoft Virtual Earth:

Demonstration site for Google Maps:

Parcel data served via ArcGIS Server and displayed in Google Maps... Sweet!

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