March 24, 2019

Tips for Building a Social Media Content Strategy

Social Media is misunderstood by many. Is it part of your sales, marketing, PR or communication efforts? Or perhaps it plays a role in all. Regardless, many professionals are still left to wonder, what can social media do for our business?

Top 10 Social Media Myths

Can social media really help drive sales and, if so, how and where? Is social media genuinely worthwhile or an enormous waste of time?

Here are 10 common social media myths about small business, and reasons to disregard them.

  • When I set up a social media account, sales leads will follow.
  • Time spent on social media might be better spent elsewhere.
  • Social media activity requires a daunting amount of time and effort.
  • If my Tweet or Facebook post doesn’t go viral, it’s not worth the effort.
  • I can’t attract older customers on social media.
  • Twitter works for rock stars and high-profile athletes, but not for me.
  • A Twitter profile or photo is unimportant.
  • The more I post on Facebook, the greater the returns.
  • Video social media is too costly and time-intensive to work for me.
  • Personal branding doesn’t work.

How much time will you devote to your social media strategy? A tip, to assist you with planning tasks and scheduling, check out Co-Schedule

“To make Twitter matter, you need to make your tweets timely, relevant to your customers, and not entirely self-promotional,” says Michael Mothner, CEO of the online marketing firm Wpromote.

Source/Credit: Peter LaMotte, LEVICK

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