August 14, 2006

another not-so-familiar face absent from ESRI UC

Not a surprise to me at all, I didn't see Geocomm, gisdatadepot, geocommunity, thinkburst, Geocomm International, or whatever the hell you want to call them - at the ESRI UC this year. Not sure what they would sell or promote anyway since free GIS data is pretty much available everywhere on the web WITH metadata too! The company actually used to be an ESRI reseller, however, I suspect that since they were into ESRI for so much cash for past ArcView sales (as well as countless other creditors who've never been paid) they likely used up the old welcome invites...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha yeah, they suck, don't they. Nothing like trying to sell free data for hundreds of dollars to get you uninvited!