August 05, 2006

Off to San Diego today and geobloggers at ESRI UC

ola from San Diego... actually I'm just packing to leave in a couple of hours.If you're looking for "real-time" news and updates from the show then I encourage you to check out some of the geobloggers that are busy at work here at the convention center. Obviously, yours truly will by providing loads of updates this year, return here to anygeo via blogspot, see also my flickr moblog for live images from Sunday's Padres game and Sunday night at Dick's etc... (ala Nokia 6682), and be sure to also keep tabs on James Fee's weblog, Very Spatial, Brian Flood's blog, Scrappad, fantomplanet, geoblogger, and of course, the ESRI UC weblog and the ArcPAD Crew's Weblog. If I missed anyone then James has that covered via the Planet Geospatial news aggregator as will Slashgeo and official PR announcements from the event can be found at I'll be back at HQ on Thursday.. until then, enjoy the show coverage and have a great week!

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