San Fran-based Farallon Geographics has completed an clever, online 2D / 3D mapping project for the City of Boston’s economic development agency - the Boston Redevelopment Authority. Farallon implemented a web application to integrate the City's permitting system with an enterprise databases using GIS. Fast and simple access to 2D & 3D maps, City GIS data, and project specific redevelopment information, was developed using web services that dynamically overlay GIS results onto Virtual Earth. The result is a clever mashup that will no doubt make you think about Microsoft Virtual Earth. Here's some specs about the application as provided in an official announcement released by Farallon... Farallon developed a web application that integrates BRA’s new SQL database with additional BRA and enterprise databases using GIS. Microsoft's Virtual Earth web mapping platform is used as the foundation of the BRA's Redevelopment Project Tracking portal. Geospatial analysis, such as the proximity of a project to City infrastructure, is accomplished using the BRA's ArcSDE/SQL Server and ArcGIS Server 9.2 technologies. Farallon developed web services (using .NET and ArcGIS technology) to dynamically overlay these GIS results onto Virtual Earth. Check out images of the application at http://www.fargeo.com/case_studies/images/bra/
OK - got to say this is very cool. I noticed in the screen shots that they mention they are swapping out Virtual Earth image tiles, for hi resolution Boston orthophotography - nice.
Whow,that's brilliant from the development team.Keep up with the good work guys!
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