Nice to see Nickolas in the headlines once again as The Washington Post have now featured a cool article about the rebel cartographer. Imagine, because the dude doesn't use Google earth, but rather, he goes directly to the source and uses imagery obtained from the USGS he's considered a rebel... I guess that's the state of the industry now ever since the epicenter moved to San Jose/Mountainview. From the article... "Since Google Earth appeared a few years ago -- and countless office hours were wasted as people mouse-clicked to their own back yards ("Lookee, there's the deck!") -- the starting point of Schiller's creations has been familiar. But he doesn't use Google. He goes to the source, the bird's-eye rendering of America placed in the public domain by the U.S. Geological Survey." If your not familiar with Schiller's work you should be... he takes imagery, mirrors the images, replicates scenes and creates snowflakelike patchwork scenes that make you site back, look at the image (remember staring at those pictures to try and make them appear in 3D), and wonder what inspired him. See
http://www.nikolasschiller.com/ - of note, his work got a kick-start when he mapped President Busch's inauguration (second) parade route. You can see the full article in the Post at
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/13/AR2007031301854.html - see also our first post about Nikolas at -Photos from Schiller's North, South, East, Westminster cartographic excursion (phot credit www.nikolasschiller.com - Lady Liberty on a quilt of the Pearl River Delta - Images from USGS & NASA)
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