April 26, 2007

Google to launch hardware product lineup? Search started for Product Program Manager

yaya... here we go again with more rumors about the Google phone, or perhaps the Google PC, or maybe even the Google handheld GPS?? Personally, I would think that a killer Google portable video/music player would be the ticket... throw in support for the Opera mobile web browser that calls up what else... Google  search and YouTube... I suppose the sky is the limit when you have such deep pockets and access to a wealth of talent and innovation. So where is this coming from? A recent job listing on the Google Job page is putting the call out for a "Manufacturing New Product Introduction Program Manager" - one of the key responsibilities is to Ensure that Google can manufacture new hardware products in mass production without problems... hmmmmm. See http://www.google.com/support/jobs/bin/answer.py?answer=62112

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