June 18, 2007

ArcGIS Server 9.3 enhancements … Author, share, serve - Top 7 Enhancements

In a cool presentation we were provided with the TOP 7 Favorite enhancements in ArcGIS Server
– printing maps with out of the box enhancements

- Map Tips – hover over query results and see features highlighted on the masp as well as additional information about the object like video or images.

- Support for interoperability – support for WMS, WFS, WFST, web coverage service for raster data, GMl, and KML

- Carto capabilities now available to AutoCAD users – see ArcGIS for AutoCAD (free) – integrating ArcGIS Server and AutoCAD.

- Rest API and javascript API for Server. Creating a web mashup using various data sources. Also, leverage consumer basemaps from Google maps. Using REST services adding Virtual Earth data and google maps data into your aRcGIS Server webmap. Imagine seeing results of an ArcGIS geoprocessing functionality like a plume model, and share with users of Microsoft Virtual Earth.

- Cashing to enable faste refresh of your webmap. At 9.3 enhancements to cach on demand or cach select areas of interest.

- NUMBER 1 improvement.. added security for your web app and services. New Security ArcGIS Server Manager… create profiles for custom users and define their roles (ie unrestricted usage for a manager etc…)

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