August 10, 2007

The social networking dilemma.. which way to go?

Are you having the same issues as I am with deciding on which social networking apps to use? Now granted, I test loads of them out once or twice so I can write about them, however, there's still a number of them that I've tried to use regularly... that is proving to be a real challenge lately though. What's apparent is that unless you use a service regularly and keep it fresh, it will get stale, boring, and eventually fall to the wayside. Just today I was introduced to MOSH via way of - they sent their members details of this cool new media sharing service. From first look its been developed to enable mobile device users (of symbian S60 devices) the ability to share their digital media with friends and colleagues. It's more than simply social networking though because they've provided the capabilities for power mobile users to share all digital content.. photos, video, wall paper, ring tones, video tones, etc... quite cool. The problem.. its one more thing to learn how to use, load on my PC and mobile, and start adding content to make it semi-useful. At the same time I just got 2 requests to connect on Facebook.. another app that I admit I haven't done a good job at maintaining. I must admit, I like the way it can search out "friends" from my yahoo, gmail, and msn email accounts (WOW!) and the share places you've visited on a map widget is very cool and simple to use. Then add my blog(s) and naturally my flickr photos which I admit I am totally hooked on using. But which site to a commit to?? Flickr, YouTube, platial, Google MyMap, twitter, lifeblog, twibble, mosh, linkedIn, facebook, mySpace... ohmygod. I guess for now I'll continue to attempt to maintain 12 of them until one of them provided everything I need! FYI, I just tried conencting my facebook to my mobile for uploads etc.. and low-and-behold... it doesn't support T-freaking-Mobile!!

1 comment:

Cliff Allen said...

You're right that it has become a problem to keep up multiple social networking profiles. I still use LinkedIn as my main "social networking" site, but most people learn more about me on my personal Web site.

I've created a Facebook page in case business people start using it, but I suspect it turns off many business people.

I think we'll see users keep up a Facebook page for their personal life and a LinkedIn profile for their business life.