August 28, 2007

YAhoo! Pipes news map - a great mashup

An interesting find in this clever Yahoo! Pipe that mashes up news (topic of your choice) with a Yahoo! map. Try it out - search on a term like "esri" then scroll through the results on this map interface. The app grabs news from google news (yes indeed, news gets crawled by this news crawler - a great benefit of getting your news listed here) and displays on the map where you can then scroll through the results, view a synopsis and click-through for a full read if the caption looks interesting. To top it off you can get the results as JSON or KML... sweet! See the News Map Pipe HERE

The results of this search for "esri" news using the pipe shows a hit that has been pulled from news headlines. Source of inspiration was a post on Mapperz via BlinkGeo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really nice...

I have a similar mashup..

"Google Maps Mashup: News Explorer"

that little mashups uses geonames too.