September 16, 2008

Flickr Bike Mapping and my Nokia Sports Tracker Bike Tour

Here's a story and a great idea that would be HUGE here in Fort Collins, CO given that huge number of biking enthusiasts that we have (case in point, Tour de Fat from New Belgium).

Apparently, there's a crew of flickr enthusiasts that are equipped with Nokia N95s (what else) and driving around, snapping photos and loading their geo-tagged imaged up to flickr... kind of a green solution to street view... awesome! See more

So that got me thinking... given that some friends at Nokia in Helsinki just hooked me up with a cool bike mounted phone holder and a sweet Nokia Sports Tracker T-shirt, I think I may have to start logging a few miles on the bike and snapping and storing some geotagged bicycle street views from the N95 for myself! Using my bike, my cool Nokia device mounting bracket, and the cool Sports Tracker service and just may start compiling bike views of my local area. The data is easily shared online, I can then even export via KML and use in Google Earth and also share my geotagged photos captured along the way via my flickr... sounds like loads of geo fun to me!

Bicycle mounting bracket designed specifically for Nokia N95 & N95 8GB

My lovely assistant on this journey!

Once finished and uploaded to my Sports Tracker account I can view a detailed summary - online or via mobile

A handy map stores my GPS coordinates, geotags my images (and videos) and stores online - export to KML is then an option as well.

The final step is to view our bike ride within Google Earth.

1 comment:

Roland Tanglao said...

where did you get that bike holder? i want one ! what's the model number please?

i have posted my bicycle commute to sports tracker (my userid is rtanglao):

1. route from work to home:
2. route from home to work:
