I couldn't help this one.. apparently the geocommunity (datadepot / thinkburst / qlinks (or whatever the he#$%$# the place is now called ;0) has "DOQs DOQs DOQs"... at a mere $495 per State... nice deal getting these freely available data for a "FINski".... Want to save yourself some $25,000??? Simple to do - check out these free GIS data resources from State clearinghouse sites (most of which contain freely downloadable DOQS, DRGs and more). See the following useful resources for some valuable leads:
Free USGS directory - http://www.gisuser.com/content/view/607/28/
Guide to USGS Orthoimagery and DOQQs - http://www.gisuser.com/content/view/4890/28/
FGDC Suggested State Clearinghouse Websites - http://www.gisuser.com/content/view/4588/28/
Data Directory (100's of pointers to free State data resources) - http://www.gisuser.com/content/section/10/41/
Finally, I can't say this one enough... check out the USDA Geospatial gateway (Free DRG, DOQs, DEMs, and more!) A detailed description is offered up here at http://www.gisuser.com/content/view/1267/53/ or simply jump directly to http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ and start downloading data.
Bookmark these resources and save yourself some of your hard earned cash!
1 comment:
Hi Glenn,
Sorry for posting here, but I didn't find your e-mail. I just wanted to tell you about a project we just launched few months ago, Panoramio.com, where you can upload and easily geolocate your photos over Google Maps with just one click.
People already uploaded more then 13.000 photos. You also can see them through Panoramio's feed for Google Earth:
Hope you like it,
Eduardo Manchón
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