October 23, 2006

Autodesk university bookmarks for the bloggers

Are you heading to AU this year (that's Autodesk University in case I've lost you). To stay informed of AU happenings from the blogosphere the following are some great resources to bookmark.
Between the Lines from Shaan Hurley is a great generic AutoCAD blog... perhaps THE premier Autodesk blog - http://autodesk.blogs.com/between_the_lines
Beyond the Paper is all about DWF - http://blogs.autodesk.com/beyond_the_paper
Between the Poles is another fine resource (although the author has yet to link to my AnyGeo blog!) - see http://blogs.autodesk.com/between_the_poles
One of my favorite reads (although not strictly GIS focused) is Lynn Allen's Blog - http://blogs.autodesk.com/between_the_poles
Heidi's AutoCAD Insider blog is also very informative - see http://heidihewett.blogs.com/
finally, how about the official show blog - see http://auol.wordpress.com/ - great idea... every event needs their own official blog.
The only thing missing is an official show tag... how about AutodeskU06?
Fyi, yours truly will be at AU once again (I think this will be number 8) - I'll also be blogging from the event in Vegas so AnyGeo (gisuser.blogspot.com) is also a good AU blog to bookmark!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree with you that every event should have a blog :-)

Not clear what you mean by "Official Show Tag"